Check your dad jeans — and genes — in J&J’s new BRCA-focused campaign

Many peo­ple are fa­mil­iar with BR­CA, or breast can­cer gene 1 and 2, mu­ta­tions in breast can­cer, but they can al­so play a role in prostate can­cer. J&J is tack­ling the sub­ject in new com­mu­ni­ca­tions and adding light-heart­ed hu­mor with its “Dad Genes” web­site.

On BR­CAIn­, men, boys and a few women wear high-waist­ed and belt­ed bag­gy den­im to make the vi­su­al jeans/genes homonym pun. While the new work is un­brand­ed, J&J’s oral prostate can­cer com­bi­na­tion drug Akee­ga (ni­ra­parib and abi­raterone ac­etate) was ap­proved in Au­gust to treat peo­ple with BR­CA-pos­i­tive metasta­t­ic cas­tra­tion-re­sis­tant prostate can­cer.

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