Bristol Myers’ Opdivo fails part two of post-kidney cancer surgery test as competitor Merck touts new survival data

Op­di­vo failed the sec­ond part of a piv­otal study for post-surgery kid­ney can­cer, re­searchers re­port­ed on Sat­ur­day.

Bris­tol My­ers Squibb’s check­point in­hibitor failed to im­prove dis­ease-free sur­vival com­pared to place­bo for pa­tients who re­ceived it for six months fol­low­ing surgery for re­nal cell car­ci­no­ma — the most com­mon form of kid­ney can­cer — ac­cord­ing to re­sults shared at the AS­CO Gen­i­touri­nary Can­cers Sym­po­sium. The re­sult comes af­ter the fail­ure of Op­di­vo plus Yer­voy, Bris­tol My­ers’ CT­LA-4-tar­get­ed im­munother­a­py, ver­sus place­bo in the first part of the tri­al called Check­Mate 914.

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