Jury awards Natera $96M+ in blood test patent fight

CareDx said it will fight a $96 mil­lion ju­ry ver­dict in the com­pa­ny’s years-long patent bat­tle with Nat­era over their ri­val kid­ney trans­plant re­jec­tion tests.

A Delaware ju­ry on Fri­day de­ter­mined that CareDx in­fringed on one of two patents at the cen­ter of a 2020 case ac­cus­ing the com­pa­ny of “bla­tant in­fringe­ment” of Nat­era’s cell-free DNA tech­nol­o­gy. The ju­ry award­ed $96.2 mil­lion in dam­ages, in­clud­ing lost prof­its of $83.7 mil­lion and past roy­al­ties of $12.5 mil­lion.

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