The academic-entrepreneur model built companies and minted millionaires. What happens when one of its earliest advocates quits?  

CAM­BRIDGE, Mass. — For years in a small hand­ful of US re­search and ven­ture cap­i­tal hot spots, a care­ful bal­ance has brought pres­tige and wealth to uni­ver­si­ties, aca­d­e­mics and in­vestors.

From in­side their labs, pro­fes­sors could found a com­pa­ny and turn their work in­to a drug, mar­ry­ing aca­d­e­m­ic pres­tige with prac­ti­cal ap­pli­ca­tion. Stu­art Schreiber helped ce­ment that blue­print when he co-found­ed the Broad In­sti­tute of Har­vard and MIT in 2003. Since then, it’s be­come a glob­al ge­nomics pow­er­house, churned out break­through aca­d­e­m­ic work, and seen its re­searchers launch scores of biotech star­tups.

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