Rick Gonzalez lays out plan for internal candidate to take over as AbbVie’s CEO

Rick Gon­za­lez, Ab­b­Vie’s found­ing CEO, is work­ing on his ex­it af­ter more than a decade at the helm — and it’s go­ing to be an in­ter­nal can­di­date.

Gon­za­lez first an­nounced the hunt for his suc­ces­sor last year, which in­clud­ed his plans to stay un­til the com­pa­ny nav­i­gat­ed the loss of Hu­mi­ra ex­clu­siv­i­ty and “the rest of the busi­ness is per­form­ing at a high lev­el.”

Rev­enue from its im­munol­o­gy port­fo­lio came in about 10% low­er, at $26 bil­lion in 2023, due to biosim­i­lar com­pe­ti­tion for Hu­mi­ra, but it’s not all bad news. Ab­b­Vie raised its long-term out­look for Skyrizi and Rin­voq, say­ing it now ex­pects com­bined rev­enues of more than $27 bil­lion in 2027. That’s about $6 bil­lion high­er than pre­vi­ous guid­ance.

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