Makers of blockbuster weight loss drugs are using ‘patent thickets’ to protect products, Harvard study claims

Man­u­fac­tur­ers of GLP-1s are shield­ing their prod­ucts with in­tri­cate webs of in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty pro­tec­tion known as patent thick­ets and are do­ing so more ag­gres­sive­ly than with old­er prod­ucts, a team of re­searchers at Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty claimed in a new re­port.

Through a re­view of the FDA’s Or­ange Book — the agency’s record of mar­ket­ed drugs and their patents — the re­searchers iden­ti­fied dozens of patents that aren’t re­lat­ed to the ac­tive drug prod­uct. The au­thors claim that this goes be­yond the lev­el of dis­con­nect­ed patents that com­pa­nies have used for oth­er com­bi­na­tion prod­ucts, like in­sulin pens and in­halers.

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