Gilead stops last PhIII of CD47 drug, citing FDA hold, higher risk of death in treatment arm

Gilead dis­con­tin­ued its re­main­ing Phase III study of ma­grolimab, an an­ti-CD47 an­ti­body that the com­pa­ny was test­ing for acute myeloid leukemia and its pre­cur­sor dis­ease, and it will not pur­sue fu­ture work on this ther­a­py in blood can­cers.

In an in­ter­im analy­sis, pa­tients who re­ceived ma­grolimab had an in­creased risk of death com­pared to those who re­ceived stan­dard care with Ab­b­Vie and Roche’s Ven­clex­ta and azac­i­ti­dine. Gilead said Wednes­day that the in­creased risk was “pri­mar­i­ly dri­ven by in­fec­tions and res­pi­ra­to­ry fail­ure.”

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