House committee plans hearing on Chinese biotech competition as tensions mount

The House’s Se­lect Com­mit­tee on the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty is meet­ing next week in Boston to dis­cuss Chi­nese com­pe­ti­tion in biotech and na­tion­al se­cu­ri­ty.

The hear­ing comes weeks af­ter a draft bill in­tro­duced by Com­mit­tee Chair Mike Gal­lagher (R-WI) and oth­ers sin­gled out sev­er­al Chi­nese biotechs as “com­pa­nies of con­cern.” The leg­is­la­tion would ban fed­er­al­ly fund­ed providers from do­ing busi­ness with Chi­nese com­pa­nies, in­clud­ing WuXi AppTec and the ge­nomics gi­ant BGI Group. A sim­i­lar bill with bi­par­ti­san back­ing has been in­tro­duced in the Sen­ate.

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