Neurona raises $120M to take epilepsy cell therapy to late-stage development

Neu­rona Ther­a­peu­tics has gath­ered $120 mil­lion in what is ex­pect­ed to be its last pri­vate fi­nanc­ing round to wrap up an open-la­bel study this year and move its epilep­sy cell ther­a­py in­to a ran­dom­ized Phase II in 2025, CEO and co-founder Cory Nicholas told End­points News.

The fi­nanc­ing brings the nine-year-old biotech’s to­tal cap­i­tal haul to date to about $285 mil­lion, Nicholas said, not­ing Neu­rona will as­sess mar­ket con­di­tions about an ini­tial pub­lic of­fer­ing as its next fi­nanc­ing step.

Endpoints News

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