Gilead’s newest acquisition: a liver disease drug with $1B in peak sales potential

Gilead’s ac­qui­si­tion of CymaBay Ther­a­peu­tics un­der­scores the com­pa­ny’s his­toric suc­cess in liv­er dis­eases and could bring in $1 bil­lion in peak an­nu­al sales.

Gilead an­nounced Mon­day that it will pay cash to buy CymaBay for $4.3 bil­lion, at $32.50 a share.

CymaBay is de­vel­op­ing se­ladel­par as a sec­ond-line treat­ment for pri­ma­ry bil­iary cholan­gi­tis, a rare, chron­ic and pro­gres­sive dis­ease. The drug, which showed off pos­i­tive Phase III re­sults in Sep­tem­ber, has a PDU­FA date in mid-Au­gust.

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