LianBio to shutter, ending Shanghai-based startup’s transatlantic ambitions

Lian­Bio plans to wind down and will lay off half of its staff, it an­nounced Tues­day morn­ing.

The biotech com­pa­ny, with of­fices in Shang­hai and Prince­ton, NJ, was found­ed by Per­cep­tive Ad­vi­sors in 2019 with as­pi­ra­tions that spanned oceans. With an ex­pe­ri­enced team of deal­mak­ers, it planned to in-li­cense new and ex­per­i­men­tal med­i­cines from the US and Eu­rope to Chi­na, where it would com­plete the clin­i­cal stud­ies for ap­proval and build the com­mer­cial force need­ed to sell the drug.

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