Incyte is ‘optimistic’ about skin disease drug Opzelura as prescriptions grow 77% in Q4

In­cyte ex­pects its atopic der­mati­tis and vi­tili­go treat­ment Opzelu­ra to be a “key con­trib­u­tor” to growth in 2024 af­ter sales jumped 78% in the fourth quar­ter.

Opzelu­ra brought in $109.2 mil­lion in the last three months of the year, with the in­crease dri­ven large­ly by new pa­tients, ex­pand­ed pay­er cov­er­age and pre­scrip­tion re­fills in both in­di­ca­tions.

“We re­main very op­ti­mistic about the long-term po­ten­tial of Opzelu­ra as we con­tin­ue to see strong up­take,” Bar­ry Flan­nel­ly, In­cyte’s ex­ec­u­tive VP and gen­er­al man­ag­er of North Amer­i­ca, said dur­ing Tues­day’s earn­ings call, de­scrib­ing it as “one of the best re­cent der­ma­tol­ogy launch­es.”

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