European investor Earlybird Health closes $185M fund to back 12 to 15 companies

Ger­many-based in­vestor Early­bird Health has closed its sec­ond health­care-fo­cused fund and has al­ready de­ployed some of it in bio­phar­ma and medtech com­pa­nies, with one ex­it in the books and an­oth­er in sight, part­ner Flo­rent Gros told End­points News.

Early­bird’s €173 mil­lion (about $185 mil­lion) sec­ond fund comes on the heels of mul­ti­ple oth­er VC fund hauls dis­closed in re­cent weeks at the likes of The Col­umn Group, Scion Life Sci­ences and oth­ers. It is sig­nif­i­cant­ly larg­er than the firm’s first health­care-ded­i­cat­ed fund from 2016 that closed at €85 mil­lion. British Pa­tient Cap­i­tal and BARMER, a pub­lic health in­sur­er in Ger­many, were some of the in­vestors in the new fund.

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