VBI sells vaccine and facility for $33M; Bayer gets radioisotopes from PanTera; Thermo Fisher’s PPD expands offerings

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VBI Vac­cines is sell­ing its HBV vac­cine as­set VBI-2601 and its fa­cil­i­ty in Re­hovot, Is­rael, to Brii Bio­sciences for $33 mil­lion, it an­nounced on Wednes­day. The two com­pa­nies pre­vi­ous­ly ex­tend­ed their HBV part­ner­ship in Ju­ly last year to de­vel­op VBI-2601. Brii will now al­so gain the rights to de­vel­op and com­mer­cial­ize VBI-2601 in Asia Pa­cif­ic, apart from Japan. The deal is pre­dict­ed to close at the end of June this year. Both com­pa­nies will work to trans­fer man­u­fac­tur­ing to a site cho­sen by Brii Bio.

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