Inventiva stock sinks 20% after serious adverse event in NASH trial leads to enrollment pause

In­ven­ti­va has paused screen­ing and en­ter­ing new pa­tients in its Phase III NASH study for lan­i­fi­bra­nor af­ter a pos­si­bly treat­ment-re­lat­ed ad­verse event.

The com­pa­ny said a pa­tient ex­pe­ri­enced se­ri­ous el­e­vat­ed amino­trans­feras­es, a type of liv­er en­zymes. While screen­ing and ran­dom­iza­tion of pa­tients have tem­porar­i­ly come to a stop, those al­ready en­rolled in the tri­al are con­tin­u­ing treat­ment. In­ven­ti­va said this is the first treat­ment-re­lat­ed Sus­pect­ed Un­ex­pect­ed Se­ri­ous Ad­verse Re­ac­tion, or SUSAR, in all clin­i­cal tri­als in­ves­ti­gat­ing lan­i­fi­bra­nor.

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