Sofinnova’s Maha Katabi on recent M&A and IPO success and how deal flow has ‘never been any better’

Ma­ha Katabi has had a great three months. The Sofinno­va gen­er­al part­ner has been in the board­room of two re­cent M&A ex­its: ra­dio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals mak­er Rayze­Bio, sold to Bris­tol My­ers Squibb, and asth­ma start­up Aio­los Bio, to GSK.

Katabi, who joined Sofinno­va in 2019 af­ter roles at Ox­alis Cap­i­tal and Sec­toral As­set Man­age­ment, is one of the lead­ers of the third-most ac­tive in­vestor in pri­vate biotech fi­nanc­ings last year, per a Jan­u­ary re­port from in­vest­ment bank William Blair. Sofinno­va al­so re­cent­ly led a $170 mil­lion Se­ries D for BioAge to run mid-stage obe­si­ty tri­als.

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