Emergent calls on new CEO Joe Papa to lead turnaround following pandemic stumbles

Joe Pa­pa is known for putting him­self in a pick­le. He’s made a ca­reer out of turn­around at­tempts, most re­cent­ly at em­bat­tled Valeant Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals. Next up: the CEO job at Emer­gent BioSo­lu­tions.

The Covid-19 pan­dem­ic thrust Mary­land-based Emer­gent in­to the spot­light on the hope that it could be an emer­gency man­u­fac­tur­er for vac­cines and treat­ments for the in­fec­tion. In­stead, it be­came best known for wast­ing hun­dreds of mil­lions of vac­cine batch­es over man­u­fac­tur­ing de­fi­cien­cies. BAR­DA, the gov­ern­ment’s de­part­ment re­spon­si­ble for med­ical coun­ter­mea­sures, cut its pan­dem­ic con­tract with the com­pa­ny in 2021.

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