Researchers detail data from first 15 autoimmune disease patients treated with CAR-T — and outstanding questions

The team of Ger­man re­searchers who first re­port­ed clin­i­cal da­ta back­ing the idea of us­ing CAR-T cell ther­a­pies to treat au­toim­mune dis­or­ders has spelled out more gran­u­lar in­for­ma­tion on pa­tients who have re­ceived the treat­ment.

The pub­li­ca­tion of their lat­est find­ings in the New Eng­land Jour­nal of Med­i­cine fol­lows a pre­sen­ta­tion at the Amer­i­can So­ci­ety of Hema­tol­ogy an­nu­al meet­ing in De­cem­ber. At the time, they re­port­ed that all 15 pa­tients who re­ceived CAR-T at their hos­pi­tal saw the de­bil­i­tat­ing symp­toms of their dis­eases sub­stan­tial­ly im­prove or go away en­tire­ly.

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