Organon expands ‘Her Plan is Her Power’ reproductive health initiative

Organon is tak­ing its re­pro­duc­tive health ini­tia­tive on the road.

The Mer­ck women’s health spin­out is dou­bling down on its “Her Plan is Her Pow­er” pro­gram launched last year to sup­port ed­u­ca­tion around un­planned preg­nan­cy, as well as ac­cess to ma­ter­nal care and con­tra­cep­tion. The new it­er­a­tion in­cludes grant fund­ing for health cen­ters in “con­tra­cep­tive deserts,” prod­uct do­na­tions and a “lis­ten­ing tour” at clin­ics across the coun­try.

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