BioMarin’s Roctavian, once forecast to sell $50M to $150M last year, only pulls in a fraction of that

In April, Bio­Marin fore­cast that its new gene ther­a­py Roc­ta­vian would bring in $50 mil­lion to $100 mil­lion in sales by the end of 2023. In­stead, it’s col­lect­ed just $3.5 mil­lion in rev­enue for a mere three pa­tients.

While the com­pa­ny had sig­nif­i­cant­ly low­ered ex­pec­ta­tions late last year, and Wall Street had low­ered them fur­ther, the pal­try sales are yet an­oth­er re­minder of just how chal­leng­ing it can be to de­liv­er com­plex, high-cost new gene ther­a­pies to the mar­ket.

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