Boehringer Ingelheim unveils mid-stage win for glucagon/GLP-1 candidate for MASH, kindling PhIII plans

Boehringer In­gel­heim said on Mon­day that its “dou­ble G” meta­bol­ic dys­func­tion-as­so­ci­at­ed steato­hep­ati­tis (MASH) drug de­liv­ered pos­i­tive topline re­sults in a Phase II tri­al.

The com­pa­ny said that 83% of par­tic­i­pants in the sur­vo­du­tide arm passed the study’s biop­sy-dri­ven pri­ma­ry end­point, com­pared with 18.2% with place­bo (p<0.0001) at 48 weeks. Sur­vo­du­tide, which Boehringer “co-in­vent­ed” with Zealand Phar­ma, is a glucagon/GLP-1 re­cep­tor dual ag­o­nist ad­min­is­tered once week­ly via a sub­cu­ta­neous in­jec­tion.

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