VML Health taps creative leadership in wake of Wunderman and VMLY&R merger

VML Health is turn­ing to fa­mil­iar faces to lead its new cre­ative team af­ter WPP merged VM­LY&R and Wun­der­man Thomp­son.

The new lead­er­ship team is Mel Routhi­er as glob­al chief cre­ative of­fi­cer, Khalid Latif as glob­al ex­ec­u­tive cre­ative di­rec­tor in Eu­rope, and Natxo Díaz as glob­al head of health craft. Routhi­er was chief cre­ative of­fi­cer at VM­LY&R. Latif served as ex­ec­u­tive cre­ative di­rec­tor at VM­LY&R Health since 2022, and Díaz led VM­LY&R Health as head of craft since June.

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