Novo Nordisk plans for life after Wegovy, setting up roots in Boston to try and find its future

LEX­ING­TON, Mass. — The world’s sec­ond-most valu­able phar­ma com­pa­ny is on the hunt for its next big break­through, and it thinks the se­quel to Ozem­pic or We­govy could be dis­cov­ered in Boston.

On Wednes­day, the Dan­ish di­a­betes and obe­si­ty drug­mak­er No­vo Nordisk un­veiled its new R&D fa­cil­i­ty just out­side the city, pitch­ing it as a US flag­ship to match its head­quar­ters in Den­mark, and an im­por­tant step to­wards life af­ter its block­buster GLP-1 drugs.

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