Who’s paving the way for LGBTQ+ leaders in biopharma? Nominate them for Endpoints’ annual report

Last year, I sec­ond-guessed whether we should con­tin­ue run­ning an an­nu­al spe­cial re­port high­light­ing LGBTQ+ lead­ers in the bio­phar­ma in­dus­try.

We al­ready had Women in Bio­phar­ma and 20 un­der 40 re­ports, so why add a third? But then, on the same day we pub­lished the 2023 edi­tion, the Hu­man Rights Cam­paign is­sued its first-ever “state of emer­gency” for LGBTQ+ Amer­i­cans.

The bio­phar­ma in­dus­try, you might ask, prob­a­bly has noth­ing to do with the LGBTQ rights front. Right?

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