Q&A: Ken Song details RayzeBio’s path from Series A to IPO in 3 years, taking a down round and being disciplined

Ken Song al­most nev­er got in­to ra­dio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals. But af­ter back-to-back phone calls from ven­ture cap­i­tal lead­ers at Ver­sant and ven­Bio in March 2020, the re­peat life sci­ences CEO took a deep dive in­to the field, which at that point was out­side the radar of most peo­ple in drug de­vel­op­ment.

Those calls worked, and Song would go on to lead Rayze­Bio, a Phase III on­col­o­gy com­pa­ny bought by Bris­tol My­ers Squibb in De­cem­ber for $4.1 bil­lion. Blink too quick­ly, and pieces of the Rayze­Bio sto­ry could eas­i­ly be missed. The com­pa­ny went from Se­ries A to Se­ries B in three months. Over 90 days, the 120-em­ploy­ee op­er­a­tion al­so went from IPO to ac­qui­si­tion.

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