How Apple’s vice president of health views opportunities in healthcare

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Ap­ple’s vice pres­i­dent of health orig­i­nal­ly want­ed to be a jour­nal­ist.

Sum­bul De­sai’s first job out of col­lege was at ABC News. The draw to me­dia was its wide-reach­ing im­pact and a chance to dri­ve a healthy nar­ra­tive, she told the au­di­ence at Cor­nell Tech’s Health­Next Sum­mit on Mon­day.

De­sai sees the same op­por­tu­ni­ties with­in health­care in her role at Ap­ple, from ways that wear­able de­vices can be bet­ter in­te­grat­ed with­in health­care to how Ap­ple’s Vi­sion Pro can be used

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