Health tech investors outline investment priorities in AI

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Ven­ture cap­i­tal, pri­vate and non-prof­it in­vestors who spoke at a pan­el in New York this week laid out their in­vest­ment pri­or­i­ties in health tech com­pa­nies that use AI, say­ing they’re in­ter­est­ed in how ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence can im­prove be­hav­ioral health and drug de­vel­op­ment.

An­dreessen Horowitz in­vest­ment part­ner Daisy Wolf told the au­di­ence of a pan­el at Cor­nell Tech’s Health­Next Sum­mit on Tues­day that she be­lieves AI is go­ing to dri­ve drug dis­cov­ery and health di­ag­no­sis so that peo­ple can have a doc­tor in their pock­ets. AI can al­so save clin­i­cians time and boost ef­fi­cien­cy by get­ting rid of frus­trat­ing minu­ti­ae in health­care, she added.

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