No one wants mites, and certainly not a group of them on their eyelids.
That’s the idea behind Tarsus Pharmaceuticals’ first consumer ad campaign for Xdemvy, which is approved to treat demodex blepharitis, a disease caused by an overpopulation of demodex mites on the eyelids. The lids can appear red, irritated and with white collars around the eyelashes.
In the new animated video ad, demodex mites are portrayed as characters holding a party in a close-up of an infected eyelid. The mites hold candles and balloons and blow party horns when a wave of Xdemvy solution floods the scene. The characters are “memorable visuals” meant to help spur potential patients to get checked with an eyecare professional, chief commercial officer Aziz Mottiwala said in a press release.
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