Novartis offers glimpse at BTK inhibitor plans beyond lead indications: #AAD24

No­var­tis pro­vid­ed a peek Sat­ur­day of how it might ex­pand de­vel­op­ment of its ex­per­i­men­tal drug remi­bru­ti­nib, a BTK in­hibitor be­ing test­ed in a range of im­munol­o­gy and neu­rol­o­gy con­di­tions.

In a plat­form tri­al ex­am­in­ing five com­pounds in the chron­ic skin con­di­tion hidradeni­tis sup­pu­ra­ti­va, remi­bru­ti­nib met its pri­ma­ry end­point at both dose lev­els. The da­ta are ear­ly, as on­ly 66 pa­tients re­ceived remi­bru­ti­nib, split even­ly be­tween the 25 mg and 100 mg dos­es.

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