MoonLake outlines more data in psoriatic arthritis as it preps for pivotal trials: #AAD24

Moon­Lake Im­munother­a­peu­tics on Sun­day tout­ed up­dat­ed da­ta from a Phase II pso­ri­at­ic arthri­tis tri­al that­was met with skep­ti­cism last year, and has now out­lined its Phase III path for­ward.

Af­ter 24 weeks, 61% of pa­tients tak­ing the 60 mg dose of sonelokimab saw at least a 50% re­duc­tion in swollen and ten­der joints, while 58% tak­ing the 120 mg dose re­spond­ed to that lev­el. Those fig­ures fell in range of an­a­lyst ex­pec­ta­tions, with TD Cowen’s Phil Nadeau es­ti­mat­ing about a 60% re­sponse rate on this mea­sure.

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