UCB debuts first campaign for psoriasis drug Bimzelx during Oscars

UCB gave pso­ri­a­sis drug Bimzelx a red-car­pet cam­paign launch, de­but­ing its di­rect-to-con­sumer ad­ver­tis­ing dur­ing the 96th Acad­e­my Awards on Sun­day. The cam­paign for the IL-17 in­hibitor — UCB’s first DTC ad­ver­tis­ing in a decade — taps pa­tient in­sights like want­i­ng to wear shorts or the col­or black again with­out wor­ry or em­bar­rass­ment.

UCB chose the Os­car de­but for the “Get Your­self Back” cam­paign for the show’s big main­stream au­di­ence, but al­so the “hap­py co­in­ci­dence” of the Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Der­ma­tol­ogy med­ical con­fer­ence in San Diego over the same week­end. Along with Bimzelx da­ta pre­sen­ta­tions, UCB al­so is pre­view­ing the DTC ad cam­paign with der­ma­tol­o­gists there, said Brit­tany Blair, UCB head of pa­tient strat­e­gy and so­lu­tions, im­munol­o­gy.

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