Ex-Theseus execs extend GIST mission by taking helm of IDRx

For­mer The­seus ex­ec­u­tives are now steer­ing the ship at Ben Aus­pitz and Alex­is Borisy’s IDRx as the biotech looks to con­tin­ue its mis­sion in the gas­troin­testi­nal stro­mal tu­mor (GIST) field, which has ex­pe­ri­enced lit­tle in­no­va­tion.

Tim Clack­son, the for­mer The­seus CEO and an R&D leader for more than 20 years at Ari­ad Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, will take Aus­pitz’s place in the chief ex­ec­u­tive post, the Boston-area biotech told End­points News. The­seus CFO Brad Dahms will step in­to the same post and tack on an ad­di­tion­al ti­tle of busi­ness chief.

Endpoints News

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