MarketingRx roundup: Pfizer, Lilly lead Academy Awards pharma ads; Merz Aesthetics teams with Demi Lovato

Phar­ma TV com­mer­cials’ red-car­pet ride ends with the Os­cars. A hand­ful of phar­ma com­pa­nies showed up in com­mer­cial breaks dur­ing the Acad­e­my Awards on Sun­day night, cap­ping a busy film awards, and TV ad­ver­tis­ing, sea­son. The phar­ma brand ads aired were: Pfiz­er’s Pre­vnar 20; GSK’s Shin­grix; Vi­iV Health­care’s Apre­tude; Astel­las’ Veozah; and Ab­b­Vie’s Skyrizi for Crohn’s dis­ease, ac­cord­ing to TV ad track­er iS­ Eli Lil­ly ran an un­brand­ed com­mer­cial aimed at rais­ing aware­ness around obe­si­ty and the un­fair shame peo­ple of­ten feel.

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