Introducing Post-Hoc: Our latest newsletter with analysis and insights

This week, we’re launch­ing Post-Hoc.

Writ­ten by our re­porters and ed­i­tors, Post-Hoc is a week­ly(ish) piece of analy­sis that fol­lows big news, an in­sight from the jour­nal­ist who broke the sto­ry, or a per­spec­tive that’s cru­cial to un­der­stand­ing events shap­ing bio­phar­ma and health­care.

Post-Hoc is a chance for our jour­nal­ists to take read­ers deep­er in­to in­dus­try-defin­ing sto­ries like our cov­er­age of po­ten­tial US re­stric­tions on WuXi, why the world’s most valu­able drug­mak­er is work­ing with Ama­zon to sell its high­est-pro­file prod­uct, who the re­al pow­er play­ers are in AI, and how to read the FDA’s reg­u­la­to­ry body lan­guage.

Of course, not all post-hoc analy­sis is cre­at­ed equal 😉. We promise not to send you opin­ions mas­querad­ing as analy­sis, hy­per­bol­ic “takes,” or ideas that waste your time.

Sign up for Post-Hoc by click­ing here and go­ing to the “pref­er­ences” tab. We’ll send a few pre­view edi­tions to our read­er­ship in the com­ing weeks, af­ter which we’ll tran­si­tion to those who have opt­ed in.

See you soon, and thanks for read­ing!

— Drew Arm­strong, Ex­ec­u­tive Ed­i­tor