Merck’s six-year deal strategy could deliver a blockbuster if hypertension drug is OK’d this month

With an FDA de­ci­sion ex­pect­ed next week for its blood pres­sure drug so­tater­cept, Mer­ck is hop­ing that its bun­dle of ac­qui­si­tions in re­cent years will lead to mul­ti­ple ap­provals and late-stage clin­i­cal wins.

The reg­u­la­tor is set to de­cide whether to ap­prove the pul­monary ar­te­r­i­al hy­per­ten­sion drug known as so­tater­cept by March 26. If ap­proved, the drug could gen­er­ate $1.9 bil­lion in sales in 2025, ac­cord­ing to Leerink Part­ners an­a­lyst Daina Gray­bosch.

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