Takeda’s $5.2B Ariad deal pays off with a label expansion in rare form of leukemia

Take­da’s can­cer drug Iclusig scored an ac­cel­er­at­ed ap­proval in com­bi­na­tion with chemother­a­py from the FDA on Tues­day for new­ly-di­ag­nosed adults with Philadel­phia chro­mo­some-pos­i­tive acute lym­phoblas­tic leukemia (Ph+ ALL).

The ap­proval is the lat­est win to come from Take­da’s $5.2 bil­lion deal to ac­quire Ari­ad Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals and Iclusig. At the time of the 2017 trans­ac­tion, the drug­mak­er hint­ed at po­ten­tial la­bel ex­pan­sions be­yond its orig­i­nal ap­provals, which date back more than a decade.

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