Catalent cuts 130 workers in Indiana; Merck KGaA to build in South Korea; Schott expands US footprint

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Catal­ent is re­duc­ing its head­count by 130 em­ploy­ees at its fa­cil­i­ty in Bloom­ing­ton, IN, across cur­rent and open roles, a com­pa­ny spokesper­son told End­points. This is to fo­cus on “in­creas­ing ef­fi­cien­cies and re­duc­ing costs across our busi­ness,” the com­pa­ny added. The site is one of three fa­cil­i­ties No­vo Nordisk is set to ab­sorb on the back of No­vo Hold­ing’s an­nounced ac­qui­si­tion of Catal­ent.

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