Parexel CEO to retire; CAR-T maker AffyImmune promotes business leader to chief executive

Jamie Mac­don­ald will re­tire as CEO of Parex­el on May 15, and the clin­i­cal re­search or­ga­ni­za­tion has al­ready named Pey­ton How­ell — the cur­rent chief op­er­at­ing and growth of­fi­cer — as his suc­ces­sor. Mac­don­ald re­placed co-founder and long­time chief ex­ec­u­tive Josef von Rick­en­bach in March 2018, and How­ell ar­rived two months lat­er as chief com­mer­cial and strat­e­gy of­fi­cer. Ear­li­er, she han­dled a se­ries of roles for more than a decade at Amerisource­Ber­gen.

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