Novo to buy mid-stage heart failure biotech Cardior for up to $1.1B

No­vo Nordisk plans to ac­quire Ger­man biotech Car­dior Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, a Phase 2 RNA start­up, for up to $1.1 bil­lion to boost its pres­ence in car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease, the Dan­ish drug gi­ant said Mon­day morn­ing.

The move comes three weeks af­ter No­vo’s obe­si­ty drug We­govy re­ceived a la­bel ex­pan­sion to in­clude the re­duc­tion of car­dio­vas­cu­lar events, an ap­proval that could open the doors to more cov­er­age. Last year, No­vo’s ac­qui­si­tions were fo­cused on obe­si­ty, with a $1.075 bil­lion deal for In­ver­sa­go and Em­bark Biotech for about $500 mil­lion to­tal.

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