MarketingRx roundup: Pharma advertisers and March Madness; Novo lands near top of Fast Company’s innovation list

Phar­ma’s March Mad­ness ad play: The NCAA men’s col­lege bas­ket­ball play­off is al­ways rife with un­der­dogs, over­achiev­ers and mil­lions of fans. Phar­ma brands al­ready in play so far in­clude Bris­tol My­ers Squibb brands: pso­ri­a­sis med So­tyk­tu (16 air­ings) and im­muno-on­col­o­gy drug Op­di­vo (10 air­ings); plus, UCB’s new pso­ri­a­sis Bimzelx com­mer­cial (11 air­ings); BMS and As­traZeneca’s type 2 di­a­betes and CKD med Farx­i­ga (4 air­ings); and Astel­las’ menopause symp­tom treat­ment Veozah (2 air­ings), ac­cord­ing to re­al-time TV ad track­er iS­

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