With GIP, obesity research is at odds

Over a decade ago, a group of re­searchers led by two di­a­betes ex­perts, Richard Di­Marchi and Matthias Tschöp, pub­lished a land­mark pa­per in mice that sug­gest­ed a new way to treat obe­si­ty and di­a­betes.

The drug in the study ac­ti­vat­ed two gut hor­mone re­cep­tors — the now fa­mous GLP-1 and its less ap­pre­ci­at­ed sib­ling GIP. Eli Lil­ly went on to use that ap­proach to de­vel­op tirzepatide, the di­a­betes and weight loss med­i­cine Moun­jaro and Zep­bound.

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