Here’s how Moderna is thinking about the future of its vaccines

Mod­er­na laid out its ex­pec­ta­tions for sev­er­al vac­cine mar­kets Wednes­day morn­ing at an in­vestor event as it con­tin­ues mov­ing through its “year of tran­si­tion.”

A team of ex­ecs out­lined a po­ten­tial $52 bil­lion vac­cines mar­ket at its peak, ac­cord­ing to Mod­er­na’s es­ti­mates. Rough­ly half of that would come from a com­bined $27 bil­lion mar­ket for res­pi­ra­to­ry virus vac­cines like Covid-19, RSV and flu, while the oth­er $25 bil­lion stems from a wide va­ri­ety of la­tent virus and oth­er shots for shin­gles, Ep­stein-Barr and cy­tomegalovirus, among oth­ers.

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