Boundless starts IPO spring with $100M listing for cancer small molecules

$BOLD will take flight on Thurs­day morn­ing.

Bound­less Bio, a San Diego can­cer biotech, will raise about $100 mil­lion in its ini­tial pub­lic of­fer­ing by pric­ing at $16 apiece, the mid-point of the range it pro­posed last week. 

The clin­i­cal-stage start­up will sell 6.25 mil­lion shares, the amount it orig­i­nal­ly set out to of­fer, it said in a Wednes­day evening press re­lease.

The Nas­daq de­but will pad Bound­less’ run­way as it con­ducts two ear­ly-stage clin­i­cal tri­als of its oral small mol­e­cules. It had about $120 mil­lion in cash, equiv­a­lents and short-term in­vest­ments head­ed in­to 2024.

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