Contineum says it will seek $136M in IPO to back its mid-stage neuro drug

Con­tineum Ther­a­peu­tics has set a price range for its up­com­ing IPO and plans to sell 8.8 mil­lion shares be­tween $16 and $18 apiece.

Its ex­pect­ed en­try on­to the mar­ket lat­er this week fol­lows fel­low San Diego biotech Bound­less Bio, and Con­tineum $CT­NM would raise about $136 mil­lion in its Nas­daq de­but, ac­cord­ing to a Mon­day se­cu­ri­ties fil­ing. In­cu­bat­ed by Ver­sant Ven­tures, the John­son & John­son-part­nered small mol­e­cule mak­er was pre­vi­ous­ly known as Pipeline Ther­a­peu­tics.

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