Roivant announces study win in eye disease for Pfizer asset, plans $1.5B share buyback

Roivant has found a use for its ex­tra cash, and is re­veal­ing the lat­est da­ta from the big phar­ma re­la­tion­ship that helped gen­er­ate those funds.

On Tues­day, the drug de­vel­op­er made dual an­nounce­ments that it was start­ing a $1.5 bil­lion share re­pur­chase pro­gram that will buy out a long­time in­sid­er. And it an­nounced da­ta from the Phase 2 tri­al of bre­poc­i­tinib, a JAK1 and TYK2 in­hibitor that it ac­quired through the same part­ner­ship with Pfiz­er that led to a sep­a­rate $7.1 bil­lion deal with Roche last year.

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