Three more I-Mab execs exit after US/China operations split

As I-Mab Bio­phar­ma em­barks on its next chap­ter as a ful­ly US-based com­pa­ny, it’s part­ing ways with more ex­ec­u­tives from the old era.

Chief Busi­ness Of­fi­cer Weimin Tang, Chief Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Of­fi­cer Gi­gi Qi Feng and Chief Le­gal Of­fi­cer Richard Cheng Li have re­signed from their re­spec­tive po­si­tions, ef­fec­tive March 31, I-Mab dis­closed in an SEC fil­ing. “None of these res­ig­na­tions were due to any dis­agree­ment with the Com­pa­ny,” it wrote, adding that it’s search­ing for a new chief busi­ness of­fi­cer and chief le­gal of­fi­cer.

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