MarketingRx roundup: Pfizer switches up advertising duties; Novo Nordisk’s Ozempic gets spoofed on SNL

Pfiz­er moves cre­ative ad­ver­tis­ing work to Pub­li­cis: Less than a year af­ter Pfiz­er con­sol­i­dat­ed ad agency re­la­tion­ships un­der a dual sys­tem of re­spon­si­bil­i­ties, it’s chang­ing tacks and mov­ing the bulk of its cre­ative work from IPG Health and FCB to Pub­li­cis. Pre­vi­ous­ly in May, Pfiz­er named IPG as its lead cre­ative part­ner and Pub­li­cis Groupe to head up me­dia, tech­nol­o­gy and pro­duc­tion af­ter a three-month re­view. The agency change­up fol­lows Pfiz­er’s cor­po­rate brand de­but Su­per Bowl com­mer­cial, cre­at­ed by Pfiz­er and a col­lab­o­ra­tion of Pub­li­cis agen­cies. Pfiz­er said in a state­ment to End­points News that it is “com­mit­ted to the flex­i­ble, two-agency part­ner­ship” with both groups.

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