Amgen taps TikTok trends, original content and ‘super fan’ employees in its social media strategy

Am­gen em­ploy­ees star in the bio­phar­ma’s newest so­cial me­dia video, adopt­ing a pop­u­lar Tik­Tok trend known as “Of course,” as it builds out a so­cial strat­e­gy com­bin­ing pop­u­lar trends and home­grown con­tent.

Filmed at its newest man­u­fac­tur­ing fa­cil­i­ty in Ohio, the first video fea­tures about 20 em­ploy­ees de­liv­er­ing lines like “We work for Am­gen op­er­a­tions — of course we al­ways dress to im­press,” said by two women wear­ing hard­hats, gog­gles and bright yel­low safe­ty vests.

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