Arrowhead reports full Phase 2b data for lipid drug, but Ionis is a step ahead: #ACC24

Five months af­ter Ar­row­head Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals un­veiled topline re­sults for its Phase 2b RNAi can­di­date in a lipid-re­lat­ed dis­ease, the com­pa­ny on Sun­day re­port­ed full da­ta at the Amer­i­can Col­lege of Car­di­ol­o­gy an­nu­al meet­ing.

In the Phase 2b SHAS­TA-2 tri­al of ploza­sir­an in pa­tients with se­vere hy­per­triglyc­eridemia (SHTG), the 25 mg dose de­liv­ered a 58% re­duc­tion in the fast­ing triglyc­eride pri­ma­ry end­point at 48 weeks ver­sus 7% for place­bo (p<0.0001), ac­cord­ing to a com­pa­ny pre­sen­ta­tion.

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