UCB enlists real patients in new hidradenitis suppurativa campaign as it awaits Bimzelx decision

A new UCB cam­paign fo­cus­es on re­al pa­tients liv­ing with hidradeni­tis sup­pu­ra­ti­va (HS), en­cour­ag­ing them to let go of the body con­scious­ness and iso­la­tion that of­ten come with the skin con­di­tion.

The TV, dig­i­tal and so­cial me­dia aware­ness ef­fort shows peo­ple with HS on date nights, at the gym and with fam­i­ly at the pool as they em­brace the cam­paign ti­tle and “Make HSto­ry” (pro­nounced as “his­to­ry”) by liv­ing life ful­ly as they man­age their dis­ease.

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